Thursday, October 16, 2008

Texas Pee Wee Football

I am a native Tennessean. If you know me well, you know that I bleed Tennessee Orange for my Volunteers. Here lately, with the performance of our Football team, I have been bleeding A LOT!! But that is not the purpose of this blog. My son, Brody, is 8 years old. Wait, he would remind me that he is 8 and a HALF years old - a fact that he will no doubt eliminate when he gets in his 30's.

Brody is currently playing pee wee tackle football in the local association called Mid-Cities Pee Wee Football and Cheerleading Association! (Say that 5 times fast...) The MCPWFCA (yes, they actually use this exact acranem) has an abundace of teams ranging from 4 year olds who play flag football (or should I say 4 year olds who run around in huge groups of 6 and 7 with one kid holding the ball) all the way to 6th grade boys in helmets and pads. Brody plays on the mighty Bengals who are currently 5-0 (That is Brody wearing number 30 in the picture). He loves it and we enjoy watching him play. I espeically enjoy watching him hit people - a fact of tackle football. My mom likes to remind me that I put her grandson in harms way. Thanks mom!

Before we moved to Texas, I used to hear legendary stories about Texas high school and little league football. In fact, there have been movies made about both. I used to think, "Aw, that's just made up. We know that REAL high school and little league football is in Tennessee, grrrr (insert Tim the Toolman grunt here)." Well, I am here to testify with my hands raised in the air that I was WRONG. Holy cow was I ever wrong. I know this now because I have seen it first hand. It's official. When it comes to high school and little league football, Texas people are absolutely NUTS. Brody plays on a team that has a play book with over 25 plays. I watch their practice and see 8 year olds in pads get down in 3 point stance while the little quarterback yells, "34 BLAST RIGHT, 34 BLAST RIGHT, SET.... HUT...."

The most amazing thing is on game days. We play every Saturday, and people come out early and set up the large party tents and tailgate all day! Yes, you heard me - tailgate! It's pee wee football for crying out loud! The only shame is that Mack Brown can't win any more big games than he does with all of this talent in state. (Ha - take that Texas fans...)

So, in closing, I completely understand why every college football coach in the coutnry comes to Texas to look for talent. No wonder, they put a helmet on them and a mouth piece in them the minute they come out of the womb.

Let's go Bengals!

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