Thursday, March 20, 2008

Remember the Alamo!

No doubt this is a familiar cry that you have heard before. It was the rallying cry of the Texans as they fought for their independence from Mexico. It served as a reminder of what the brave men did at the Battle of the Alamo in San Antonio. This past week, my family went to San Antonio for Spring Break. Don't get me wrong, we did the fun stuff (I will talk about that in a moment), but we did take time to tour the Alamo and learn a little Texas history.
One of the things that the Thomas family is proud of - being from the GREAT state of Tennessee! After walking through the Alamo and learning a little more about one of our native sons, Davey Crockett, we are even prouder. I will admit, that the Alamo museum workers didn't like it when I gave a stirring rendition of Rocky Top while overlooking Davey Crockett's shot gun.

One of the things that my wife and I are enjoying at this stage in our lives is the age of our kids. Bailey is almost 10 and Brody just turned 8. They are at a great age to travel and do things they have never done before. With that said, this was our first true "Spring Break" trip as a family. Now I am no Clark W. Griswald, but I do try to turn into Super Dad. I must admit, for our first Spring Break trip, this was a great time! After our tour of the Alamo, we stayed overnight in downtown San Antonio and took a boat tour of the Riverwalk (a beautiful place!). We ate dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, bought some souvenirs, and spent all day Monday at Sea World San Antonio.

Sea World was amazing! I think I went to Sea World when I was very little, but I don't remember it. Elaine had never been, so this really was a "first" for all of us.
From the STEEL EEL (big honkin roller coaster) to Shamu (killer whale) to petting the dolphins, we had a blast. I would highly recommend Sea World and San Antonio as a great vacation spot.

Spring Break 2008 is in the books. It is time for March Madness and for my Tennessee Volunteers to make Davey and all of us proud by getting BACK to San Antonio to the Final Four! Of course, we would hope that the Tennessee Volunteers trip to San Antonio this time would turn out much better.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Years are flying

Why is it that the older you get, time goes faster? I have pondered that thought quite a bit this week because my youngest child is turning 8 years old! It honestly just seems like yesterday that our son, Brody, was still sucking on his "passie" and jumping up and down in his crib. That is Brody in the picture. (BTW - my wife Lainie made that cake! She is amazing!) My daughter will be 10 in August, and I began to think - wow - I am going to be 35 this year! What is up with that?

So, the real question is - why does time get faster? Is it because we are doing more things and are busier? I remember thinking when I was a kid - "man, I can't wait until _____ "(fill in the blank here). It was a summer vacation trip. Sometimes a birthday...always Christmas, my driver's license, flying an airplane, going to college, etc., etc., etc. Of course, I also remember my dad telling me when I would spout off one these "I can't wait...." lines the famous saying all parents say to their kids: "You are going to wish your life away!".

I actually said that line to my son the other day when he lamented that he could not wait until his birthday on Thursday. I watch him sit in the floor and play with his match box cars like I used to do, or play on his Nintendo DS (I had an Atari baby!), or catch a baseball with me. As I watch him and my daughter grow it is a reminder of how precious time and moments are here on earth. Start living! Have fun with your kids! Go on trips! Spend that money! Time is flying by....

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Barack, the devil juice, and Duff

Have you ever had "one of those weeks'? Well, I just had one starting last Tuesday, Feb. 19. I had my first scheduled colonoscopy and endoscopy on Feb. 20th, so on Tuesday I had to drink probably the worst substance known to humanity in prep for the scopes. I call it the "the Devil Juice" but my doctor calls it something else with medical terminology. It was awful and with my quick gag reflex - well, you can imagine. However, if you had told me that would be the easiest thing I would do that week, I would have been a little worried. As it turned out, that was a walk in the park compared to what happened to me on Friday, Feb. 22nd (insert dramatic beat from Law & Order series).

It began on my way home from seminary class (maybe that was the cause). I began having horrible stomach pains and cramps - the kind of pain and cramps where you actually think the alien will pop out at any moment. Eventually, I listened to my wife and went to the emergency room only to find out that I had appendicitis. Ha! I have never had surgery, and until my scopes had never been "put under". But within an hour after being diagnosed, I am being wheeled into an operating room where I have to keep telling everyone my name and birthday (I guess that is to make sure they don't get me confused with the guy who is having his gallbladder removed). Next thing I know I am groggy and really having to go to the bathroom in some dark hospital room with people poking and prodding on me. Funny thing is that this hospital was so busy they had to put me on the floor with the labor and delivery unit! One of our sweet friends, Pam Hill, suggested that I name my newly "removed body part" so that I would not feel left out among all of other "birthing" people in the hall. So, my wife and I proudly named my appendix Obama (we chose not to take it home).

The tough part now is being patient. I am home and resting per doctor's orders. I do feel better at times, so I get up and start doing stuff - then pow - I am tired (funny how your body doesn't like to be operated on). I have been able to catch up on some needed rest, fight off an awful upper respitory cold (still working on that), and watch some of my favorite shows like Ace of Cakes on the Food Network - Duff is the man! Hopefully, with another day of good solid rest and continued meds, I will be back to my routine soon. Thanks to all of you who have prayed, sent emails, cards, food, etc. - you all have blessed our lives! I hope you have a great week - who knows what can happen in seven days!