Friday, October 12, 2007

What's up with my title?

By now, you must have heard this phrase: "We live in a fast food world". If you haven't, just did. Anyway, I am continually reminded how high-speed, high-tech, fast-paced our society is becoming. Now, when I go through the line at McDonald's (to get my kids happy meals), I see.... not one.... but TWO order speakers! The idea: move more people through the line in a faster time. Just today, I visited my bank to make a deposit. My bank has one "port" to take my deposit and then I am aksed to drive forward to the second "port" to collect my receipt. I am only 34 years old, but I can remember when going to the bank was like going to the barber shop. You knew the tellers, they knew your name, gave the kids a sucker, and everything was at a slower pace.

I am not opposed to technology or doing things faster (Lord knows I have absolutely no patience). But, there is a part of me that misses the personal touch. The opportunity to slow down sometimes and enjoy life. Our interstates have 25 lanes (good grief, I live in a city where an intersection is called the high 5 because it has 5 bridges of interstate stacked on top of each other!), I can download over a zillion songs in seconds with my rhapsody account, I have high speed high def internet connection at my house (remember that awful screeching sound of AOL connecting?), I get mad when my computer doesn't do what I want it to do in a millisecond, and the people in my office walk around with cell phones that can do everything from answer their email to cook their breakfast. Speaking of email, does anyone remember how we got anything done before it? Thank God Al Gore invented the internet!

Back to the main subject: Sometimes, I wonder if God is impressed with all of this? With all of our fast paced, fast food, fast technology stuff. God's mind and wisdom in comparison makes our technology look like the model-t Ford. His knowledge is infinite and vast beyond our minds. Yet, I read in His word, to "be still and know that I am God". Or, I read where he showed up with Elijah in just a simple breeze of the wind. I am challenged to stop the craziness of life, get off the information super highway, and just relax and spend some quiet time with myself and with my Heavenly Father. So, in essence, that's what this blog is about. It may appear at times just to be the ramblings of some guy with a wonderful wife (I "out-punted" my coverage!) and 2 beautiful kids living in some city called Euless. But, hopefully, you will see and take part in a guy trying to slow down long enough to think and have deep thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, welcome to the blogosphere. I am really going to enjoy checking it out. Let's talk soon!

Jason Hayes