1.) Take this article from USA Today: "Presbyterian Minister cleared in Gay Marriage Case." Well Praise the Lord! I am thankful for that (hint of sarcasm)... Click on the article above and read it. The main thing I can't understand is that the Presbyterian Church keeps talking about their "constitution" and how they should follow it - hey guys, how about following - oh, I don't know - the WORD OF GOD? It's amazing to see what all God has to say on this subject when you actually read his word.
2.) Miley Cyrus - aka Hannah Montana. Well, unless you have been under a cave, you are aware of the "buzz" she has created with her Vanity Fair pictorial. Through it all, the funniest thing to me is the reaction of Disney - the company that owns her Hannah Montana character.

Disney is all upset over the "raciness" of the pictures (I don't like them either, by the way), but isn't that a little hypocritical on their part? I mean, they will have Gay pride day in their parks but get upset with Cyrus' pictures exposing her back? What it tells you is that they are concerned with one thing - the almighty dollar. They know that the majority of Cyrus' fan base is in the conservative south and they will be upset with this pictorial which could result in loss of sales of the Hannah Montana product.
3.) Professional Athletes getting second and third chances. Do you think for one second that you and I could do half of what Pacman Jones has done and still get a chance to come back to work for MILLIONS of dollars?

Once again, it is about money. Jerry Jones, the owner of the Cowboys, knows he has a big huge stadium that will be completed in 2009. He needs to create a buzz among the fan base in order to sell very expensive tickets to this very expensive stadium. The best way to sell tickets, merchandise, and concessions, is to put a winning product on the field. Bring in Pacman Jones (a very good NFL cornerback) and it increases your chances of winning big. Who cares if he is an habitual criminal? Who cares if he shows no real remorse for his actions? He runs a 4.4 40 yard dash and leads the NFL in interceptions - sign him up! Pay him millions!
In all of this, what do you think we are teaching the younger generations? It's simple. We are teaching them selfishness - and that my friends can lead to a world of trouble....
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