This is my first time coaching little league baseball. I have coached high school boys & girls, middle school boys & girls, and college in basketball, baseball, and softball. Each team has been an enjoyable experience over the years, but these little guys will always hold a special place in my heart. We were not the best team in the league, but we were not the worst. The thing I am most proud of these boys is how they improved. I was always taught that if you work hard, listen to your coaches, and do your best, you will improve. I got to see that first hand this spring.
When our season began, we didn't know where to throw the ball let alone attempt to catch it. Just about all of our boys struggled hitting the ball at the plate (many come up from T-ball and have a hard time with the ball being thrown at them - even by a coach). We finished the season 3-7, but our last game was the most exciting.

We only had 8 players because one of our boys contracting mono (get well Ryan!), and two of our other boys had previous events with their families. That meant every time the 9th batter's position came up - it was an automatic out. Our boys played a great game. It all came down to the bottom half of the last inning. We were behind by one run, and we had the bases loaded. Our number 5 hitter (Chase Apple - great name!) hit a line-drive shot down the left field line that one-hopped to the fence (baseball-speak). The bases cleared and I sent the batter home (not where he lives but to the plate)for a close play. SAFE! - as he slid under the tag. Ballgame! - called the umpire. Jubilation erupted and our boys were jumping around like they all were just given brand new XBOX 360's.....
The whole reason I decided to coach this team was to be with Brody.

That was a great joy for me to watch him play and be a major part of his experience. Not only am I extremely proud of him, but I feel in some small way as if I gained 10 other sons for about 2 months. Great job Red Sox! See you next Spring...
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