Last week my sister-in-law and her husband (and their three beautiful children) were in town visiting with us for the weekend. We had an absolute great time with them. Even though my wife's brother-in-law is a HUGE Alabama Crimson Tide fan, we had a truly fun weekend. By the way Brian, we are praying for your salvation every day. God bless you brother! And, by they way, those 12 National Championships that you all claim to have won - you can't count the Rotary Club Shriner's Ball National Championship from 1927.
One of the fun things that we did together last weekend was to stop by a little snow cone place in Euless called the The Little House of Snow. It is a wonderful little establishment that makes GREAT Snow Cones. If you live in Euless, check it out. Located at the corner of Euless Main Street and Midway in a small little strip mall directly across from the Diamond Shamrock gas station. They literally have over 50 different flavors that you can make as a snow cone and they give you a huge portion for a very small price. Great way to beat the Texas heat!
Anyway, on Tuesday I was going through my receipts and checking them with my bank account (you know, the fun stuff of balancing the checking account) when I noticed on my receipt it read "The Little House of Sn". At first glance, it looked like it said "The Little House of Sin". I laughed but then I thought, WOW - what if someone got that receipt out of my wallet - it wouldn't look good. Of course, the charge on the receipt was $7.12 - not sure what you would be able to get for that in other establishments that might go by that name.
I took the receipt to my wife and we both laughed and got a good kick out of it. The moral of the story is this: If you want a good snow cone, don't go to the Little House of SIN - make sure it says SNOW on the exterior sign.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Walk off Grand Slam Home Run!
One of the most enjoyable experiences of my life just ended this past Friday night. The City of Euless 8 and under Coach Pitch Red Sox played their last game of the 2008 season. Me and my friend Robert Elkins (our worship pastor here at First Euless) decided to coach our sons this year in baseball. His son, Jack, and my son, Brody, are truly best friends. (that is Jack in the picture with Brody) 
This is my first time coaching little league baseball. I have coached high school boys & girls, middle school boys & girls, and college in basketball, baseball, and softball. Each team has been an enjoyable experience over the years, but these little guys will always hold a special place in my heart. We were not the best team in the league, but we were not the worst. The thing I am most proud of these boys is how they improved. I was always taught that if you work hard, listen to your coaches, and do your best, you will improve. I got to see that first hand this spring.
When our season began, we didn't know where to throw the ball let alone attempt to catch it. Just about all of our boys struggled hitting the ball at the plate (many come up from T-ball and have a hard time with the ball being thrown at them - even by a coach). We finished the season 3-7, but our last game was the most exciting.
We only had 8 players because one of our boys contracting mono (get well Ryan!), and two of our other boys had previous events with their families. That meant every time the 9th batter's position came up - it was an automatic out. Our boys played a great game. It all came down to the bottom half of the last inning. We were behind by one run, and we had the bases loaded. Our number 5 hitter (Chase Apple - great name!) hit a line-drive shot down the left field line that one-hopped to the fence (baseball-speak). The bases cleared and I sent the batter home (not where he lives but to the plate)for a close play. SAFE! - as he slid under the tag. Ballgame! - called the umpire. Jubilation erupted and our boys were jumping around like they all were just given brand new XBOX 360's.....
The whole reason I decided to coach this team was to be with Brody.
That was a great joy for me to watch him play and be a major part of his experience. Not only am I extremely proud of him, but I feel in some small way as if I gained 10 other sons for about 2 months. Great job Red Sox! See you next Spring...

This is my first time coaching little league baseball. I have coached high school boys & girls, middle school boys & girls, and college in basketball, baseball, and softball. Each team has been an enjoyable experience over the years, but these little guys will always hold a special place in my heart. We were not the best team in the league, but we were not the worst. The thing I am most proud of these boys is how they improved. I was always taught that if you work hard, listen to your coaches, and do your best, you will improve. I got to see that first hand this spring.
When our season began, we didn't know where to throw the ball let alone attempt to catch it. Just about all of our boys struggled hitting the ball at the plate (many come up from T-ball and have a hard time with the ball being thrown at them - even by a coach). We finished the season 3-7, but our last game was the most exciting.

We only had 8 players because one of our boys contracting mono (get well Ryan!), and two of our other boys had previous events with their families. That meant every time the 9th batter's position came up - it was an automatic out. Our boys played a great game. It all came down to the bottom half of the last inning. We were behind by one run, and we had the bases loaded. Our number 5 hitter (Chase Apple - great name!) hit a line-drive shot down the left field line that one-hopped to the fence (baseball-speak). The bases cleared and I sent the batter home (not where he lives but to the plate)for a close play. SAFE! - as he slid under the tag. Ballgame! - called the umpire. Jubilation erupted and our boys were jumping around like they all were just given brand new XBOX 360's.....
The whole reason I decided to coach this team was to be with Brody.

That was a great joy for me to watch him play and be a major part of his experience. Not only am I extremely proud of him, but I feel in some small way as if I gained 10 other sons for about 2 months. Great job Red Sox! See you next Spring...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Assimilation Metro 2008
Proof that I am not the only Assimilation Minister in the country - I am currently in Marco Island, Florida, attending the 2008 Assimilation Ministers Metro Conference. It is a great time to visit with other ministers around the country to see what is working in their churches, trends, success reports, and good old fashioned fellowship. I will be here until Thursday - then flying back to DFW. Assimilation is a new word around Southern Baptist Churches. About 7 years ago churches realized they were attracting a lot of new people but their "back doors" were huge. In other words, they were not successfully connecting the new people to the body. So, the position of Assimilation Minister is ushered in (ha... inside joke!) and plans are put in place to help new people get truly connected to churches. In some churches, these positions are referred to as Membership Pastors or Development Pastors... It really is all the same. The exciting thing is that these positions are fairly new and are evolving. Who knows what this position will become over the next two to three years. The realization has been that it is going to continue to be a vital part of church growth and individual discipleship within church life.
One sad note to bring. One of my counterparts here at the conference had to fly home early to her church. Their pastor was killed in a plane crash early Monday morning. Please pray for Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon, Florida and for the family of Dr. Forrest Pollack, pastor of that great church. Have a blessed week everyone....I will post again once we are back in DFW.
One sad note to bring. One of my counterparts here at the conference had to fly home early to her church. Their pastor was killed in a plane crash early Monday morning. Please pray for Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon, Florida and for the family of Dr. Forrest Pollack, pastor of that great church. Have a blessed week everyone....I will post again once we are back in DFW.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
A World of Trouble
Recently, I as watching the evening news. I don't do that much anymore because I can't stomach the liberal tint the media portrays on everything and the constant "Bush-bashing" that takes place. (Side bar: I don't think George W. Bush is perfect nor has he handled everything well, but he is still our PRESIDENT and we should respect him and the office). Stories came across the television that had me sitting and wondering - what is going on with our country? For example:
1.) Take this article from USA Today: "Presbyterian Minister cleared in Gay Marriage Case." Well Praise the Lord! I am thankful for that (hint of sarcasm)... Click on the article above and read it. The main thing I can't understand is that the Presbyterian Church keeps talking about their "constitution" and how they should follow it - hey guys, how about following - oh, I don't know - the WORD OF GOD? It's amazing to see what all God has to say on this subject when you actually read his word.
2.) Miley Cyrus - aka Hannah Montana. Well, unless you have been under a cave, you are aware of the "buzz" she has created with her Vanity Fair pictorial. Through it all, the funniest thing to me is the reaction of Disney - the company that owns her Hannah Montana character.
Disney is all upset over the "raciness" of the pictures (I don't like them either, by the way), but isn't that a little hypocritical on their part? I mean, they will have Gay pride day in their parks but get upset with Cyrus' pictures exposing her back? What it tells you is that they are concerned with one thing - the almighty dollar. They know that the majority of Cyrus' fan base is in the conservative south and they will be upset with this pictorial which could result in loss of sales of the Hannah Montana product.
3.) Professional Athletes getting second and third chances. Do you think for one second that you and I could do half of what Pacman Jones has done and still get a chance to come back to work for MILLIONS of dollars?
Once again, it is about money. Jerry Jones, the owner of the Cowboys, knows he has a big huge stadium that will be completed in 2009. He needs to create a buzz among the fan base in order to sell very expensive tickets to this very expensive stadium. The best way to sell tickets, merchandise, and concessions, is to put a winning product on the field. Bring in Pacman Jones (a very good NFL cornerback) and it increases your chances of winning big. Who cares if he is an habitual criminal? Who cares if he shows no real remorse for his actions? He runs a 4.4 40 yard dash and leads the NFL in interceptions - sign him up! Pay him millions!
In all of this, what do you think we are teaching the younger generations? It's simple. We are teaching them selfishness - and that my friends can lead to a world of trouble....
1.) Take this article from USA Today: "Presbyterian Minister cleared in Gay Marriage Case." Well Praise the Lord! I am thankful for that (hint of sarcasm)... Click on the article above and read it. The main thing I can't understand is that the Presbyterian Church keeps talking about their "constitution" and how they should follow it - hey guys, how about following - oh, I don't know - the WORD OF GOD? It's amazing to see what all God has to say on this subject when you actually read his word.
2.) Miley Cyrus - aka Hannah Montana. Well, unless you have been under a cave, you are aware of the "buzz" she has created with her Vanity Fair pictorial. Through it all, the funniest thing to me is the reaction of Disney - the company that owns her Hannah Montana character.

Disney is all upset over the "raciness" of the pictures (I don't like them either, by the way), but isn't that a little hypocritical on their part? I mean, they will have Gay pride day in their parks but get upset with Cyrus' pictures exposing her back? What it tells you is that they are concerned with one thing - the almighty dollar. They know that the majority of Cyrus' fan base is in the conservative south and they will be upset with this pictorial which could result in loss of sales of the Hannah Montana product.
3.) Professional Athletes getting second and third chances. Do you think for one second that you and I could do half of what Pacman Jones has done and still get a chance to come back to work for MILLIONS of dollars?

Once again, it is about money. Jerry Jones, the owner of the Cowboys, knows he has a big huge stadium that will be completed in 2009. He needs to create a buzz among the fan base in order to sell very expensive tickets to this very expensive stadium. The best way to sell tickets, merchandise, and concessions, is to put a winning product on the field. Bring in Pacman Jones (a very good NFL cornerback) and it increases your chances of winning big. Who cares if he is an habitual criminal? Who cares if he shows no real remorse for his actions? He runs a 4.4 40 yard dash and leads the NFL in interceptions - sign him up! Pay him millions!
In all of this, what do you think we are teaching the younger generations? It's simple. We are teaching them selfishness - and that my friends can lead to a world of trouble....
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