Monday, February 11, 2008

My Bucket List

Wow! It's been awhile since I put anything on here - my fault. Things have been very hectic lately. You may or may not know about a new movie that is in theaters right now starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. It is called "The Bucket List". It is the story of two older guys who are friends and they are both diagnosed with some type of life ending ailment. They begin thinking about their time on earth and all of the things they "wished they had done". So, they create a list of things they would like to do before they "kick the bucket" - hence the title of the movie.

That got me thinking about what I would like to do before I "kick the bucket". No, I don't have any terminal illness and I am only 34 years old - but, it is never to late to get started. Here it goes, my bucket list (in no particular order):

1. Go to one Super Bowl game - any one will do.
2. See a baseball game at Fenway Park.
3. Vacation in Hawaii with my wife.
4. Run a marathon (not a big one - maybe a 10k).
5. Meet and talk to a sitting President and walk through the Oval office.
6. Meet Michael Jordan.
7. Run through the "T" at a Tennessee football game (the last guy to do this donated one million dollars to the University).
8. Earn a million dollars.
9. Slap a bull on the backside (see the movie Wild Hogs).
10. Fly in a helicopter.
11. Write a book.
12. Ride the zamboni at a Hockey game.
13. Give someone a car.
14. Go to any summer Olympics opening ceremony.
15. Drive a race care around any NASCAR track.

Who knows, check back periodically and I'll let you know if I get to cross any off my list. The main thing is to enjoy life everyday! God has given us so many wonderful things, so start living!

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