I love to grill out. Let me re-phrase that: my family loves to grill out. On average, we probably grill out at least three times a week. We grill everything. Steak, hot dogs, chicken, sausage, vegetables, potatoes - you name it. My wife's love for grilling probably started with her dad, Andy. Andy is a world-class griller (is that a word?) - and I am not just saying that because he is my father-in-law or the fact that I want his famous grilled ribs for 4th of July. He really is very good at grilling. In fact, I refuse to eat ribs at any restaurant because I'll be disappointed and upset that I wasted my money. Trust me, if you're ever in Southaven, Mississippi (not sure why you would be...ha!), you need to stop by Andy Gore's (no relation to Al - praise God!) for some wet ribs! Tell him Bradley sent you! I am sure he wouldn't mind....
This past Saturday we decided to go to a local store in Southlake, TX, called
Central Market. While I would not shop there for my weekly groceries (my wife is laughing now because everyone knows that I don't shop for groceries), it is a GREAT place to go buy fresh steaks, fish, chicken, vegetables, etc. for the purposes of grilling out.

We had a great time just being home and eating some great food. Granted, we could have gone to a restaurant and had a nice meal. But every now and then, it is fun to just stay at home and make our "gourmet" meal ourselves. It's spring time, so fire up those grills (insert big loud Tim "the Tool Man" Taylor grunt here)!
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