Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Years are flying

Why is it that the older you get, time goes faster? I have pondered that thought quite a bit this week because my youngest child is turning 8 years old! It honestly just seems like yesterday that our son, Brody, was still sucking on his "passie" and jumping up and down in his crib. That is Brody in the picture. (BTW - my wife Lainie made that cake! She is amazing!) My daughter will be 10 in August, and I began to think - wow - I am going to be 35 this year! What is up with that?

So, the real question is - why does time get faster? Is it because we are doing more things and are busier? I remember thinking when I was a kid - "man, I can't wait until _____ "(fill in the blank here). It was a summer vacation trip. Sometimes a birthday...always Christmas, my driver's license, flying an airplane, going to college, etc., etc., etc. Of course, I also remember my dad telling me when I would spout off one these "I can't wait...." lines the famous saying all parents say to their kids: "You are going to wish your life away!".

I actually said that line to my son the other day when he lamented that he could not wait until his birthday on Thursday. I watch him sit in the floor and play with his match box cars like I used to do, or play on his Nintendo DS (I had an Atari baby!), or catch a baseball with me. As I watch him and my daughter grow it is a reminder of how precious time and moments are here on earth. Start living! Have fun with your kids! Go on trips! Spend that money! Time is flying by....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bradley (and Elaine)! It is Lindsay Creswell (hope you all remember Daniel and I from your days at Concord!). I found your blog thru Jason Hayes and just saw that Brody was turning 8! Now, I feel old b/c I remember holding him before he could walk! We are still in Wake Forest, NC and expecting our 3rd boy! Check out our family blog-
Please tell Elaine hello and and how often I think of her, especially since I still cook many of her fabulous recipes for our family every week! Take care-
Lindsay Creswell