Life can be hard. For some in the metroplex, today is especially hard because the beloved Dallas Cowboys lost in their playoff game against the NY Giants. In the grand scheme of things (and by that I mean life) it really is not that big of a deal. However, many will wallow in their misery this week as if someone literally ripped out their heart.
There are people today who are dealing with much greater troubles. There is a sweet lady in my ministry who found out this past week that she has cancer and will need surgery in the next week to remove it - then chemo - then a lot of prayer. On our church prayer chain, I read about a family who lost their dad and husband at the age of 38 because he was serving his country in Iraq. When I think about these situations and the similar times of disappointment or grief that I have experienced, I am reminded that the "storms" of life are inevitable. Everyone experiences storms in his life. They are sometimes unpredictable, always devastating, and can come quickly or last a very long time. Regardless of who you are, you will experience storms.
How do you handle those storms? Who do you turn to for answers? Those are difficult but great questions. In Matthew chapter 14, we read about the apostle Peter stepping out in a great act of faith. Verses 22 through 32 document the story of Jesus walking on water. If you have grown up in church, you know what happens.... Peter asks to join Jesus on the water, Jesus says "come on out," Peter steps out of the boat, stands on the water and doesn't sink. If the story ended there you would say, "WOW!", "GREAT!", "That-a-boy, Peter!"....but something happens. Verse 30 of Matthew 14 tells us that "...he (Peter) saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink, cried out, Lord, save me!"....
Did you notice the first phrase? "....he SAW the wind..." Interesting, isn't it? Would you not say that he felt the wind? The point that is being made here is subtle but simple - Peter took his eyes of Jesus and put them on the wind around him. When you focus on the storm or your circumstances and problems that surround you, rest assured that you will begin to sink in the midst of those circumstances or problems. But when you keep your focus solely upon Jesus... you will find safety, peace, and comfort. It does not mean that the storm will go away. That storm may whistle and blow hard but the key is this: where will you put your focus? On the storm or on Jesus?
Monday, January 14, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
American Gladiators

Oh yes, you know what I am talking about. If you went to high school in the 80's or early 90's, you know all about American Gladiators. The Joust, the Eliminator, the Rings, and much more crammed into one exciting hour of breathtaking television entertainment! Well, it's BACK and bigger than ever. Plus, for us "teens of the 80's", they have added Hulk Hogan as a host - how awesome is that, BROTHER!? (If you are a Hulk Hogan fan, then you understand the "BROTHER" reference). Last night, I watched the premier of American Gladiators on NBC - and I have to admit, it was very good. They have kept most of the old events and added some pretty cool new events. What's wild is the fact that I am sitting in my living room watching this show with MY KIDS! And they love it!

Now don't get me wrong, it is purely for entertainment purposes. There is no educational value (maybe healthy living - but that is a stretch, I know), or nothing that challenges your brain or makes you think. It is purely average American people (who happen to be in really great shape) getting a chance to put on head gear and beat the fool out of muscular models - with the chance to earn money doing it. In the words of boxing promoter Don King, "Only in America!"
It is important to understand that the people who apply and are able to go on this show are in amazing condition. Last night, a Marine lady and kick boxing lady were on the show and they were literally dusting the gladiators. I started thinking, who do I know that could go on this show? Obviously not me! There is a guy in the Bible Fellowship that I used to teach in Tennessee named Jack - he is in the FBI. He is a small guy who stays in great shape - probably knows about 31 ways to kill a man with his hands type of guy - he would be good on this show with his quickness, small but strong size, and his anger management issues.

My current pastor could go on this show - he is 6'5" and about 260 solid (That is him on the left - Hulk Hogan is above - didn't want you to get them mixed up). He could hold his own - and how cool is that - to have a pastor who could go on American Gladiators? That would be classic! I could see it now: "Now that I have beaten Wolverine (Gladiator man's nickname on the show) in the Joust - can I have one conversation with you if I could only have one?"
Ok, I am ranting, Happy New Year to everyone! I hope 2008 is the best yet. God bless...
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