There is a little known fact about me that you may not know. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. Now, you may be asking, "Bradley, why in the world do you have a degree in Political Science?" Great question. The answer is fairly simple - I love to study politics and government. Seriously, I absolutely love studying our political system, the protocol of government, the Constitution, and our nation's history. It's why my favorite television show is the West Wing (I have to watch it on my DVR these days).
Most of the time, guys or gals who get a Poly Sci (insider term) Degree do so with the intentions of getting into law school, passing the bar, and becoming a lawyer. Although that prospect intrigued me, that wasn't the path I took. I tell you all of this so that you will understand why I will TiVo 12 hours of Inauguration Day coverage and watch every bit of it. To me, on this day in history, it really doesn't matter who is being sworn in but rather the pomp and circumstance (another insider term) and the whole protocol of the day's events that I enjoy. I love watching the little things like the seal of the President being on Bush's limo when he arrives at the Capital building, but off of the limo when he leaves. Or the fact that Marine One is no longer called Marine One when Presidnet Bush boards the craft. Or watching Obama reach his hand out to shake a military guards hand while the military gaurd is now saluting him as the Commander in Chief. Obama wasn't used to it, and it took him by surprise.
Regardless of who you voted for, or what you believe, Inauguration Day should always be viewed by every American with patriotic pride. On top of all that, this particular day was monumental becuase of the historical significance of Obama's election. On this day, we can lay aside all differences and celebrate our nation. It only happens every four years, so be sure to set your DVR's (or whatever we will call them then) for Inauguration Day 2013. God bless America...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Rock Chalk Jayhawk

For the last week all I have heard ringing in my head is "Roooooooock, Chaaaaaaalk, Jaaaaaayhaaaaaak, Kayyyyyyyy, UUUUUUUUUUUUU!" (sing it in a mid range voice as if you were in a monestary) If you have never heard the chant of the University of Kansas fans, then you have missed out on one of the unique and colorful things in college sports. Recently, I traveled to Lawrence, Kansas, with some good freinds of mine to watch my beloved Tennessee Volunteers Men's Basketball team take on the defending national champion Kansas Jayhawks.
If you don't know anything about the history of college basketball, then let me fill you in on the significance of Lawrence, Kansas. It is the birth place of basketball - no literally - Dr. James Naismith developed the game of basketabll while at the University of Kansas. He tutored and trained a young man named Phog Allen (why in the world would anyone name their kid PHOG?!).

Coach Allen became a legendary basketball coach at Kansas and one of his players was some guy named Dean Smith. Dean Smith just happens to be one of the all time winningest coaches in basketball while he coached at North Carolina.
Ok, enough of the history lesson! The point is, that this old style basketball arena named after its legendary coach PHOG Allen is one of the most unique sports venues in the country. I truly enjoyed my time at PHOG Allen (I like to put his name in all caps because I think it is a funny name) while listening to the crazy but well mannered Kansas fans not only sing Rock Chalk Jayhawk but scream continously as their Jayhawks defeated my Volunteers 92-85.
Allen Fieldhouse was on my bucket list (see the movie), so it was great to be able to mark that one off. Now, if any of you find it in your heart to take me to Fenway Park for a ball game, or to the Masters Golf Tournament in August, Georgia, or to the Kentucky Derby in Louisville, Kentucky, you won't hurt my feelings and you will be able to help me mark another one off my bucket list.
Roooooock Chaaaaaalk Jaaaaaayhaaaaaakk, Kayyyyyyy.... UUUUUUUUU! Go Vols!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Where Have I Been?!
It's hard to believe that I have not written anything on here since October 16. You may say, "Wow, Bradley, your life must be boring - you have nothing to write about." Well, that is far from the reality of my life. The last couple of months have been hectic but good: Kids playing football and cheerleading. Seminary going strong. Traveling to Tennessee (The Holy Land - let us all pause and pay tribute!) to spend time with family. Working in a fast paced church environment. Facebook. Going to Houston for two days. St. Louis for two days. Missions Conference at church. Mowing my grass. Watching reruns of the West Wing on TiVo. Helping my daughter with her 5th grade math and realizing how dumb I am. Phillip Fulmer. Team Impact and Trunkfest event at our church. Writing several papers. Lane Kiffin. Clogging an artery by eating at a great new place here in DFW called Hard Eight Pit BBQ. Did I mention Pee Wee Football?
Well, you get the idea. The good news is that my absolute favorite time of the year is now here - Christmas. For those of you who do not know... Christmas officially begins with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and ends at 12:01am January 2nd. Typically, I am somewhat depressed on January 2nd and 3rd, BUT... this year - not so! I will be smack dab in the middle of Rock Chalk Jayhawk country (Kansas Univeristy) watching my Tennesee Volunteer Men's Basketball Team whoop up on some Kansas Jayhawks! Oh yes - I will be wearing my Volunteer Orange and singing Rocky Top right in the middle of Fog Allen Fieldhouse on January 3rd.
Thanks for checking in with me. Life is getting back to some normal behavior, so I will be writing on a regular basis again. Have a great weekend - and just think - only 19 more shopping days till Christmas!
Well, you get the idea. The good news is that my absolute favorite time of the year is now here - Christmas. For those of you who do not know... Christmas officially begins with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and ends at 12:01am January 2nd. Typically, I am somewhat depressed on January 2nd and 3rd, BUT... this year - not so! I will be smack dab in the middle of Rock Chalk Jayhawk country (Kansas Univeristy) watching my Tennesee Volunteer Men's Basketball Team whoop up on some Kansas Jayhawks! Oh yes - I will be wearing my Volunteer Orange and singing Rocky Top right in the middle of Fog Allen Fieldhouse on January 3rd.
Thanks for checking in with me. Life is getting back to some normal behavior, so I will be writing on a regular basis again. Have a great weekend - and just think - only 19 more shopping days till Christmas!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Texas Pee Wee Football
I am a native Tennessean. If you know me well, you know that I bleed Tennessee Orange for my Volunteers. Here lately, with the performance of our Football team, I have been bleeding A LOT!! But that is not the purpose of this blog. My son, Brody, is 8 years old. Wait, he would remind me that he is 8 and a HALF years old - a fact that he will no doubt eliminate when he gets in his 30's.
Brody is currently playing pee wee tackle football in the local association called Mid-Cities Pee Wee Football and Cheerleading Association! (Say that 5 times fast...) The MCPWFCA (yes, they actually use this exact acranem) has an abundace of teams ranging from 4 year olds who play flag football
(or should I say 4 year olds who run around in huge groups of 6 and 7 with one kid holding the ball) all the way to 6th grade boys in helmets and pads. Brody plays on the mighty Bengals who are currently 5-0 (That is Brody wearing number 30 in the picture). He loves it and we enjoy watching him play. I espeically enjoy watching him hit people - a fact of tackle football. My mom likes to remind me that I put her grandson in harms way. Thanks mom!
Before we moved to Texas, I used to hear legendary stories about Texas high school and little league football. In fact, there have been movies made about both. I used to think, "Aw, that's just made up. We know that REAL high school and little league football is in Tennessee, grrrr (insert Tim the Toolman grunt here)." Well, I am here to testify with my hands raised in the air that I was WRONG. Holy cow was I ever wrong. I know this now because I have seen it first hand. It's official. When it comes to high school and little league football, Texas people are absolutely NUTS. Brody plays on a team that has a play book with over 25 plays. I watch their practice and see 8 year olds in pads get down in 3 point stance while the little quarterback yells, "34 BLAST RIGHT, 34 BLAST RIGHT, SET.... HUT...."
The most amazing thing is on game days. We play every Saturday, and people come out early and set up the large party tents and tailgate all day! Yes, you heard me - tailgate! It's pee wee football for crying out loud! The only shame is that Mack Brown can't win any more big games than he does with all of this talent in state. (Ha - take that Texas fans...)
So, in closing, I completely understand why every college football coach in the coutnry comes to Texas to look for talent. No wonder, they put a helmet on them and a mouth piece in them the minute they come out of the womb.
Let's go Bengals!
Brody is currently playing pee wee tackle football in the local association called Mid-Cities Pee Wee Football and Cheerleading Association! (Say that 5 times fast...) The MCPWFCA (yes, they actually use this exact acranem) has an abundace of teams ranging from 4 year olds who play flag football
Before we moved to Texas, I used to hear legendary stories about Texas high school and little league football. In fact, there have been movies made about both. I used to think, "Aw, that's just made up. We know that REAL high school and little league football is in Tennessee, grrrr (insert Tim the Toolman grunt here)." Well, I am here to testify with my hands raised in the air that I was WRONG. Holy cow was I ever wrong. I know this now because I have seen it first hand. It's official. When it comes to high school and little league football, Texas people are absolutely NUTS. Brody plays on a team that has a play book with over 25 plays. I watch their practice and see 8 year olds in pads get down in 3 point stance while the little quarterback yells, "34 BLAST RIGHT, 34 BLAST RIGHT, SET.... HUT...."
The most amazing thing is on game days. We play every Saturday, and people come out early and set up the large party tents and tailgate all day! Yes, you heard me - tailgate! It's pee wee football for crying out loud! The only shame is that Mack Brown can't win any more big games than he does with all of this talent in state. (Ha - take that Texas fans...)
So, in closing, I completely understand why every college football coach in the coutnry comes to Texas to look for talent. No wonder, they put a helmet on them and a mouth piece in them the minute they come out of the womb.
Let's go Bengals!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Your Vote is Important!
Okay, I have refrained from adding my political viewpoints on this blog site. For starters, it can be a "sticky" situation being that I am a full time minister. I am fully aware of the fact that not every Southern Baptist church member is a Republican or a Democrat. There are ample numbers of both. Furthermore, my political views are just that - my political views. I believe that everyone is entitled to develop their own political views.
I would only have two suggestions - one, always vote. If you don't vote, then you either don't appreciate the fact that thousands of Americans have given their life for you to have the privilege to vote, or your just plain lazy. Two - vote according to your Christian principles. People who say, "Well, the Constitution says that church and government should be seperate!" don't understand why the founding fathers put that clause in the Constitution. (Okay - My undergrad degree was in Political Science - so get ready). The founding fathers came to the New World primarily because the King of England forced his religion on the people. The religious oppression was the "straw" that drove most of them to America. (I know - it wasn't the only thing, but it was a MAJOR thing)
When the Constitution was written, the idea was to keep government out of the church, not the church out of government. They didn't want the government telling people how they should worship, who they should worship, and where they should worship. The idea that religious people should not bring their Biblical principles into politics is absolutely absurd. Anyone who checks the facts, would realize that the majority of the founding fathers were actively involved in their specific denominations - it was a way of life. Have you ever wandered why "In God We Trust" is stamped everywhere? (Sorry Bill Maher - if you don't like it - move to France)
In closing, look at the political platforms of each major party. Cross examine those platforms with your own Biblical beliefs (notice I didn't say Baptist belief?) and see how it matches up. Then, go vote for the candidate who represents the political party and platform that you support. Please don't vote for Obama because he talks well and looks good on camera, or McCain because he says he's a maverick, or Palin because she is cool. Don't vote for someone because Oprah told you to or Dave Leterman likes them. If you are a Christ-follower, vote for the candidate that best exemplifies what the Bible teaches. So, do your homework, pray hard, and go to the polls on November 4th!
I would only have two suggestions - one, always vote. If you don't vote, then you either don't appreciate the fact that thousands of Americans have given their life for you to have the privilege to vote, or your just plain lazy. Two - vote according to your Christian principles. People who say, "Well, the Constitution says that church and government should be seperate!" don't understand why the founding fathers put that clause in the Constitution. (Okay - My undergrad degree was in Political Science - so get ready). The founding fathers came to the New World primarily because the King of England forced his religion on the people. The religious oppression was the "straw" that drove most of them to America. (I know - it wasn't the only thing, but it was a MAJOR thing)
When the Constitution was written, the idea was to keep government out of the church, not the church out of government. They didn't want the government telling people how they should worship, who they should worship, and where they should worship. The idea that religious people should not bring their Biblical principles into politics is absolutely absurd. Anyone who checks the facts, would realize that the majority of the founding fathers were actively involved in their specific denominations - it was a way of life. Have you ever wandered why "In God We Trust" is stamped everywhere? (Sorry Bill Maher - if you don't like it - move to France)
In closing, look at the political platforms of each major party. Cross examine those platforms with your own Biblical beliefs (notice I didn't say Baptist belief?) and see how it matches up. Then, go vote for the candidate who represents the political party and platform that you support. Please don't vote for Obama because he talks well and looks good on camera, or McCain because he says he's a maverick, or Palin because she is cool. Don't vote for someone because Oprah told you to or Dave Leterman likes them. If you are a Christ-follower, vote for the candidate that best exemplifies what the Bible teaches. So, do your homework, pray hard, and go to the polls on November 4th!
Friday, September 12, 2008
First Impression is the First Step
One major aspect of the Assimilation ministry of any church is the first impression that people receive when they immediately drive into your church parking lot. At that moment, customer service is in high gear. Now some people would say, "This is church, this ain't Wal-Mart, they should want to be here." Well, grumpy old man, keep saying that and then wonder why your church doesn't attract new people.
Why can't we be better than Wal-Mart, Best Buy, or any other "secular" place when it comes to customer care? We are doing something much greater than any of those businesses - kingdom work! We should do our absolute best for the cause of Christ. People are searching for answers, and when they actually get the nerve up to visit a place where they don't know anyone, we should make every effort to make them feel welcome, wanted, and perfectly at home within our walls. The isolationist "me-first" attitude of many church-goers needs to out the window when it comes to having open arms and open doors to the lost world.
So, the very first thing that needs to be established when it comes to first impressions is the attitude of your people. Jesus came to heal the hurting and the sick, not the healthy and "got-it-all-together" crowd. We should have the same attitude. What should that attitude look like? Great question.... here are just a few answers:
1. EVERYONE is welcome and treated equally. It doesn't matter what they look like, what they are wearing, how they smell, how well their hair is combed, what color of skin they have, what kind of clothes they wear, or even where they have been the night before. God made them, he died for them which means he loves them, and we should welcome them.
2. Treat everyone they way you would want to be treated. Be friendly. Say hello with a smile. Offer a warm handshake.
3. Your building should scream "you are welcome". If you don't have guest parking sections - make some. You should have people in the parking lot greeting guests and offering to help if needed. Your ushers should smile when they hand them the bulletin and your greeters should walk up and talk to your guests and look to learn more about the guest rather than talk about themselves. If your church is big enough, have a guest welcome desk with information about your church and various ministries.
4. Pastors - you should zero in on guests in your church. Not only should you have a "welcome time" in your service, you should have some type of reception at the end of your service to say hello. Most churches actually give a gift to all of their guests who visit their church.
5. Look for ways to help those who are guests - I tell our volunteers at First Euless all of the time to be on the lookout for those who have that "lost" look. The "deer in the headlights" look. The people who keep looking up at the ceiling for answers on where to go and what to do. I want our volunteers to engage them. Ask them how they can be helped and then walk them to where they need to go - do not point. Think about the last time you were at a department store and could not find something. Your experience was much more pleasant if a worker walked up to you and said, "How can I help you?" and then actually stayed with you until you were completely satisfied. We try to do the same thing.
Those are just a few of the initial thoughts of proper attitude. Be looking for the next post on Assimilation very soon....
Why can't we be better than Wal-Mart, Best Buy, or any other "secular" place when it comes to customer care? We are doing something much greater than any of those businesses - kingdom work! We should do our absolute best for the cause of Christ. People are searching for answers, and when they actually get the nerve up to visit a place where they don't know anyone, we should make every effort to make them feel welcome, wanted, and perfectly at home within our walls. The isolationist "me-first" attitude of many church-goers needs to out the window when it comes to having open arms and open doors to the lost world.
So, the very first thing that needs to be established when it comes to first impressions is the attitude of your people. Jesus came to heal the hurting and the sick, not the healthy and "got-it-all-together" crowd. We should have the same attitude. What should that attitude look like? Great question.... here are just a few answers:
1. EVERYONE is welcome and treated equally. It doesn't matter what they look like, what they are wearing, how they smell, how well their hair is combed, what color of skin they have, what kind of clothes they wear, or even where they have been the night before. God made them, he died for them which means he loves them, and we should welcome them.
2. Treat everyone they way you would want to be treated. Be friendly. Say hello with a smile. Offer a warm handshake.
3. Your building should scream "you are welcome". If you don't have guest parking sections - make some. You should have people in the parking lot greeting guests and offering to help if needed. Your ushers should smile when they hand them the bulletin and your greeters should walk up and talk to your guests and look to learn more about the guest rather than talk about themselves. If your church is big enough, have a guest welcome desk with information about your church and various ministries.
4. Pastors - you should zero in on guests in your church. Not only should you have a "welcome time" in your service, you should have some type of reception at the end of your service to say hello. Most churches actually give a gift to all of their guests who visit their church.
5. Look for ways to help those who are guests - I tell our volunteers at First Euless all of the time to be on the lookout for those who have that "lost" look. The "deer in the headlights" look. The people who keep looking up at the ceiling for answers on where to go and what to do. I want our volunteers to engage them. Ask them how they can be helped and then walk them to where they need to go - do not point. Think about the last time you were at a department store and could not find something. Your experience was much more pleasant if a worker walked up to you and said, "How can I help you?" and then actually stayed with you until you were completely satisfied. We try to do the same thing.
Those are just a few of the initial thoughts of proper attitude. Be looking for the next post on Assimilation very soon....
Thursday, August 21, 2008
You scored a 9.2575!
Ok, I am not going to forget my promise on writing about Assimilation Ministry. I will tackle that when I get back from vacation. I am sticking to the age old rule that while on vacation, you can't think about work. Don't get me wrong, I love my work and what we do in ministry, but I need to "check out" every year and re-charge my batteries.
I am sitting here in Destin, Florida, looking out on the absolutely beautiful beaches of the Gulf of Mexico. We have been blessed this week due to the fact that Hurricane Fay went to the Atlantic side. We have had nothing but clear sunny days. Thank you Lord for that blessing!
This blog is about the absurdity of competition in the Olympics that utilize judges to determine a champion - i.e. gymnastics and diving. I watched with utter amazement as the USA gymnasts got "hosed" on their scores this past week. You know what I would do if we couldn't figure out a winner in gymnastics? Let them wrestle for it right in the middle of the floor exercise mat. Can you imagine it? Nastia Luikin body slamming that 13 (oh, excuse me - 16) year old Chinese gymnast! That would rock. I can hear Al Trautwig now on the NBC broadcast - "Luikin with the upper right hook! Xen Ho We is down! Luikin with the cross body elbow! That's it - Nastia wins the gold medal!"
Or, let them go immediately outside, mark off 100 yards and race for it. Shawn Johnson would dust anyone in the 100 yard dash. This is exactly the reason why I like swimming, track & field, volleyball, basketball, etc. If you are the best - then score more than me, or beat me to the finish line. I don't have to worry about whether I took a semi-small step or a medium size step on my landing after spinning in the air 5 different ways in less than 2 seconds. Plus, I wouldn't have to listen to Bella Karoly scream about the scores to Bob Costas for 10 minutes! (By the way, can ANYONE tell me what that man says?? Holy cow he is harder to understand that Sly Stallone in Rocky 6!)
I love the Olympics! I can't wait until the Winter Games in 2010 where we can see speed skating, down hill skiing, and oh yes, Figure Skating! Bring on Scott Hamilton and the "triple sow cow" with a 9.2575895 gold medalists score!
I am sitting here in Destin, Florida, looking out on the absolutely beautiful beaches of the Gulf of Mexico. We have been blessed this week due to the fact that Hurricane Fay went to the Atlantic side. We have had nothing but clear sunny days. Thank you Lord for that blessing!
This blog is about the absurdity of competition in the Olympics that utilize judges to determine a champion - i.e. gymnastics and diving. I watched with utter amazement as the USA gymnasts got "hosed" on their scores this past week. You know what I would do if we couldn't figure out a winner in gymnastics? Let them wrestle for it right in the middle of the floor exercise mat. Can you imagine it? Nastia Luikin body slamming that 13 (oh, excuse me - 16) year old Chinese gymnast! That would rock. I can hear Al Trautwig now on the NBC broadcast - "Luikin with the upper right hook! Xen Ho We is down! Luikin with the cross body elbow! That's it - Nastia wins the gold medal!"
Or, let them go immediately outside, mark off 100 yards and race for it. Shawn Johnson would dust anyone in the 100 yard dash. This is exactly the reason why I like swimming, track & field, volleyball, basketball, etc. If you are the best - then score more than me, or beat me to the finish line. I don't have to worry about whether I took a semi-small step or a medium size step on my landing after spinning in the air 5 different ways in less than 2 seconds. Plus, I wouldn't have to listen to Bella Karoly scream about the scores to Bob Costas for 10 minutes! (By the way, can ANYONE tell me what that man says?? Holy cow he is harder to understand that Sly Stallone in Rocky 6!)
I love the Olympics! I can't wait until the Winter Games in 2010 where we can see speed skating, down hill skiing, and oh yes, Figure Skating! Bring on Scott Hamilton and the "triple sow cow" with a 9.2575895 gold medalists score!
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